Full Service Media Solutions



Eyes of Frequency is a media solutions company that brings easy, proven solutions for video content. From music videos to company advertisments, we have solutions that are tailored to your needs. Start the conversation with an experienced and passionate team member. 

“We believe in building strong partnerships with businesses in the industry to create high-quality media content on every level.”

~David Mayorga CEO


Structured Pathway To Success

Our team has produced content so many times it has become muscle memory for most of us! Enjoy the years of experience that will save everyone time and energy when you activate our video production services.

Holistic Business Approach

Our team truly cares about the result that is generated by our efforts and your hard earnd money. Find affordable result driven solutions when working with our team.

TV Ready Quality

All of our production is filmed in high quality resolutions to help you distribute to any channel or media outlet of your choice!

Our Latest Work

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.

Let’s Connect And Launch your video Project today!

All requests are processed in the order in which they were received, due to demand your project start date could be scheduled within 30 days of intitial request. 

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